We are the Western Sahara Campaign UK, campaigning to further support for the self determination of the Saharawi. We are always looking for volunteers and ideas no matter what they are. Please reach out to us on our contact page.
© Tfarah Abd Mulana

Global Aktion attacked
We often talk of the plight the Saharawi face in occupied Western Sahara, however the long arm of the Moroccan state does sadly reach further. On January 13th the charity Global Aktion had its offices in Copenhagen, Denmark set on fire and attacked. Graffiti was left at the scene making the reasoning clear. The graffiti included: The Sahara belongs to Morocco and F*ck Polisario.
To read more of this please see our newsletter.
© Global Aktion
Donald Trump Returns
Much of the world took a deep breath on Sunday 19th January when Donald Trump again became President of the United States. Many will remember it was President Trump who changed the United States historical position on Western Sahara and recognised the Moroccan occupation. His return to the whitehouse will only embolden the Moroccan occupation, as the King of Morocco has ensured a close relationship with the President.
To read more of this please see our newsletter.

© Reuters
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg the renowned climate activist has once again thrown her weight behind the cause of the ignored. She recently visited the refugee camps in Tindouf Algeria, in attendance at the recent International Solidarity conference. She spoke of the struggle of the Saharawi, their voicelessness on the international stage and the worlds complicity in the occupation. Greta made many comparisons with the plight of the Palestinians, her input may also help to hinder the Moroccan regimes attempt at greenwashing their occupation.
To read more please see our newsletter.
The All Party Parliamentary Group needs your support
As reported before we held a successful meeting in the House of Commons but we still need more members for the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Western Sahara. If you have not done so before please use this model letter to write to your MP and ask them to contact Ben Lake MP to say they are interested in joining the APPG.
Voices of the Saharawi people heard in the UK Parliament
On Monday, 20 October a packed room in the UK parliament heard the powerful voice of solidarity with the Saharawi people. The meeting had been called as a platform for Mahfud Bechir from Western Sahara is not for sale to talk about the importance of the recent judgement of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and human rights abuse in the occupied territories.
Friday 4th October saw a crucial court victory for the Saharawi people as the ECJ issued a landmark ruling that occupied Western Sahara cannot be part of EU-Morocco agreements. He explained what action should now be take action to stop the plunder of Western Sahara and to address human rights abuse.
Sidi Breika, the official UK representative for the POLISARIO Front, also updated the meeting about the need for action by the UN to implement their plan for a referendum of self-determination and urged people to write to their MPs.
People were urged to write to their MPs and ask them to join the All Party Parliamentary Group on Western Sahara. Jeremy Corbyn MP, who kindly hosted the meeting, stressed the importance of more MPs taking up the issue in parliament. A model letter is available here to send to your MP.
The meeting was organised by the Western Sahara Action Forum – a collaboration between five UK based Saharawi solidarity organisations. Sandblast, the Western Sahara Campaign, Adala, Olive Branch Arts and Western Sahara Support Group. It was especially pleasing to see many of the growing Saharawi community in attendance as well as representatives from the Algerian Embassy.
Please see Sandblasts report of the event here.
Victory in the European Court of Justice
In a great victory of the Saharawi people the European Court of Justice has ruled that:
“The 2019 EU-Morocco trade agreements regarding fisheries and agricultural products, to which the people of Western Sahara did not consent, were concluded in breach of the principles of self-determination.”
Please read more here.
The Palestinian and Israeli Conflict
During our recent conference in London. We collectively decided and designed a statement on the recent increased conflict in Palestine and Israel. We condemn both the atrocities committed by Hamas against the Israeli people, and the collective punishment and war crimes that are being inflicted upon the Palestinian people by Benjamin Netanyahu. Both are unjustifiable and their situation is rooted in a colonial past and a system of oppression inflicted upon the Palestinian people.
Please read our statement here.
Western Sahara Campaign UK a besoin de votre soutien
The campaign needs support and help. We run solely on volunteers. If you think you can help in any way please get in contact. No matter your experience or knowledge your help will go a long way and will be greatly appreciated.
Please contact us at coordinator@wsahara.org.uk

Une brève histoire du Sahara Occidental depuis 1975
En 1975, le Sahara Occidental a été occupé par le Maroc. Une occupation jugée illégale par la Cour internationale de justice et le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU. Depuis lors, les Sahraouis, le peuple indigène du territoire, ont été privés de leur droit fondamental à l'autodétermination et ont vu d'autres anciennes colonies gagner leur indépendance. Le Maroc a divisé le pays avec un mur de 1500 km protégé par des mines terrestres et lourdement armé de troupes. D'un côté se trouve la zone occupée, environ 75% du territoire. Dans lequel le Maroc commet un vol de phosphates, de pêches et de récoltes pour les vendre illégalement comme étant d'origine marocaine sur le marché mondial. Il est illégal d'arborer le drapeau du Sahara Occidental dans la zone occupée, et il y a de nombreuses disparitions de ceux qui ont eu le courage de parler. Les 25% restants du Sahara occidental sont administrés par les représentants élus du peuple sahraoui, le Front Polisario, et ont été proclamés République arabe sahraouie démocratique (RASD). Cependant, la majorité des Sahraouis vivent dans des camps de réfugiés près de Tindouf en Algérie, qui par solidarité ont fourni un large espace aux Sahraouis, pour leur donner la possibilité de maintenir un Etat indépendant même en exil.
La campagne dépend uniquement des dons de sympathisants de tous les horizons, aussi minimes soient-ils, dans notre lutte pour que la communauté internationale tienne sa promesse et sa promesse d'organiser un référendum afin que les peuples de l'Occident Le Sahara peut décider de son propre avenir.